Contour Design Coupons & Promo Codes (0)

We’ve created general offers and program terms, but we recognize your users are unique. At Contour Design, we feel strongly about delivering the tools you need to be successful and don’t believe in a one size fits all approach to affiliate marketing. We strive to personalize our program and... Read More

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Who are we?

Contour Design is a market leader in the research, development, and design of ergonomic computer hardware with more than 25 years of experience. Our iconic products include RollerMouse, Unimouse and the Multimedia Controller.

We have committed ourselves to provide office workers around the world with optimized ergonomics. Our efforts have resulted in thousands of people preventing and relieving unnecessary strain injuries. Improving life in front of the computer for office workers is our main purpose.

Repetitive strain injuries and other computer-related injuries can be avoided with the better equipment, more awareness, and prevention. Contour Design’s products are developed not only to relieve pain, but also prevent it.

We incorporate people’s differences, behaviours, and habits into superior design. Ergonomics is not a singular solution, but rather a combination of well-designed equipment focused on variation, flexibility, and good habits.

Our products offer the highest degree of effective ergonomics and design that inspire variation and healthier habits for their users.

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